Handcrafted Wood Structure

Royal organizations, parliament, and the royal court determined the appearance of Westminster for all: now it is still officiously-Royal district, where a lot of the royal property and – in comparison with other areas – little houses. But there are so many attractions.

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey was founded in the 8th century, and most of its buildings were not preserved. But Westminster Cathedral has survived – it is the traditional place of coronation and burial of kings, a huge Gothic building of incredible beauty, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Be sure to go inside the cathedral.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Leonardo Da Vinci

Palace of Westminster

Palace of Westminster is located across from the cathedral. It’s the place of the British Parliament. The first palace on the site was built more than a thousand years ago, but only little of it remained: the building burned down in the early 19th century. Then on its place a new was built – what we can see now.

For a trip 4 metro stations are suitable: “Westminster”, “Charing Cross”, “St. James” and “Green Park”. “Westminster” station is located directly opposite the Big Ben, and for going to Buckingham Palace, the best station is “Green Park”. There are a lot of tourists, the subway is always crowded, sidewalks, streets, cafes and parks – as well. There are not many cafes in Westminster, restaurants even less, and they are concentrated mainly where many tourists.